Furry Friends In past newsletters, you have read about our vast amount of dogs that live or hang out on the ranch. Between four dog-loving families and houses and open spaces, the dogs all together...

“Howdy! This is Helen with TriTails Premium Beef. How can I help you?” If you’ve ever called us, you will be talking to me, Helen. Connor, my adoring husband, has written about me in the past, ...

New Addition to our Cowboy Team We are excited to announce the introduction of two new residents at our bunkhouse. Josh and Echo, a married couple who are expecting their first child very soon, hav...

August 2023: General TriTails Beef Buyers Guide
Looking for the perfect cut of beef for your next party? Look no further as TriTails has you covered. Learn about how we care for our animals to bring you supberb quality.

Planting Season June in the Texas Panhandle means that it is time for all the farmers to get to getting and start planting milo. This year was definitely an interesting one with all the rain tha...

A Wet Spring In the last newsletter, we talked about the recent rains that we have been experiencing here in the Texas panhandle. I know you are thinking, "Is he really about to talk about rain ...

Rain There is nothing like a good rain shower when you live in the Texas panhandle. If you were wondering why we often ask for prayer on rain in our prayer request section, it's because we can go ...

New Horse She has been hard at work for most of her life, and after putting in those long hours, she is looking forward to those golden years. Time to kick up and relax with a view. Plenty of earl...

Cows and Helicopters March 2023 Helicopter in the Canyon The Palo Duro Canyon is a rough, rugged wild piece of terrain, and if my past newsletters have yet to convey it to you, it is an unforgivin...

February 2023 Taking Care of the Herd By Connor McCauley Winter Here at Harrell ranch, it has been a mild winter for the most part. We have seen plenty of warm days in the '50s and '60s. It wasn'...

Happy New Year Another Wedding?! The year 2022 was a big year for the ranch. Our online retail store is booming, we opened a new wholesale department and enjoyed a decent harvest from our farm. Bo...

Know Where Your Food Comes From December Newsletter Why these newsletters I have been writing these newsletters for almost a year now. In fact, this will be my tenth newsletter. It has been a joy...

Five Generations of Cowboys It’s the break of dawn, and it’s time to saddle up! The first thing to do after putting your cowboy boots on is to round up the horses. You’ll find them in the horse pa...

Get to Know the Author
Connor McCauley
For those new to reading my newsletter, my name is Connor McCauley & I'm married to a 5th generation rancher. I write these articles from my perspective a lot of the time. As someone raised in the house of a stockbroker in southeast Pennsylvania, my perspective contrasts with my new Texas ranching life. In 2015, I moved to Colorado & pursued a career with the ski resorts. That is where I met my wonderful wife, Helen. In 2021, we moved to her family's ranch full-time & I became a mix of things from ranch hand to marketer to retail manager.
Come along with me as we explore & learn about the Texas ranching life. I'm glad you're here!