January 2023

January 2023

Happy New Year

Another Wedding?!

The year 2022 was a big year for the ranch. Our online retail store is booming, we opened a new wholesale department and enjoyed a decent harvest from our farm. Bossman Sam decided to make it an even more exciting year and marry off his firstborn daughter Helen to Connor. However, Sam decided he might as well get all the wedding stress out of the way this year. So, with that thought he quickly gave away his second daughter. I'm joking; Sam was in no rush, but that did not stop Aaron and Faith. 2022 must have been the summer of love for us here on the ranch, and Sam was overjoyed to marry off his second-born Faith to his helping hand Aaron.

Faith and Aaron had met a few years earlier, in 2020. Aaron had asked his sister if she knew any nice Christian girls. Well she happen to know Faith, who was the perfect combination of kind and high energy. She has, well, faith but also a personality to match any rowdy cowboy. It was a perfect match right from the start. It was not long before they fell in love.

Aaron had been spending his time traveling around the country building oil pads before the two met. It would end up being Faith and our beautiful ranch that would end up making him settle down. He decided to take up being a cowboy as his full-time occupation.

Aaron moved into the bunkhouse on the ranch and has been busy tending the cattle and caring for the ranch with Faith. Working together only sped up the dating process for the two and it wasn't long after Helen and I were married that they became engaged. The two love birds could hardly wait to make it official, so they decided to do it before the year's end. That led them to set the date of January 31st, 2022.

The wedding ended up being very different from the one that Helen and I had. Aaron's and Faith's wedding matched them and their personalities perfectly. A lovely small ranch wedding filled with country music and a ceremony in our living room. It was gorgeous, and I was excited to see them finally together as a family. I'm very excited to have Aaron as a brother-in-law. Sam and Mary have felt very blessed and are eager to finally have their family together as one. Now the next thing to look forward to is grandchildren and that, that is going to be interesting.

Reflection and Looking Ahead

2022 has been a tremendous year for TriTails premium beef. We have been growing significantly and are just blown away by the support we have received from our customers. Our retail store has seen a massive increase in business. Our sales have increased an astonishing amount, which is enormous for us as a business. We have seen a loyal customer base which has been a blessing. We hear all the time from people that they will never eat grocery store beef again and will only indulge in TriTails beef from here on out. On top of that we have been happy to report that our prices have hardly budged through all the inflation and chaos that has been happening in our world.

Another big move for our business has been expanding to a wholesale sector located in the DFW area. It has been a challenge for us, but we are now moving ahead with some momentum. This operation has been an enormous help in overcoming the challenges of the current economic situation. Where many ranches are struggling, we have found a way to help us further succeed. We hope to be able to take this formula and help other ranchers in the future. We need to continue working out some kinks and establish ourselves before this is possible.

Looking forward to the future, we hope to see continued growth on our retail side. We project that this year should be even better, and we are excited to continue to perfect the art of selling beef online. We also want to push more online content so our customers can see what we are up to. Right now, you can find us on both Twitter and Gab.

We hope to add many more salespeople on the wholesale side to push our product. From there, the sky's the limit. It may be soon enough that you find yourself eating TriTails beef at your favorite restaurant as well as in your home. As we grow this sector, it should also help push our retail side as well. With more money in the company, we can invest in more inventory and more into our social media.

Prayer Requests

You can feel free to disregard this part of the newsletter, but we always need prayers. Please do not think we are asking you to only pray for us but rather just add these things to the things you already pray for. We really appreciate and believe in this.

  • Continue growth and success for the year 2023

Thank You so much, and don’t hesitate to let us know if we can pray for you.

Reading next

December 2022
February 2023


Ken Grossman

Ken Grossman

Congrats to the newlyweds!
God bless you all and…. Happy New Year

Priscilla Rodgers

Priscilla Rodgers

I ordered from you before Christmas and was very pleased. But in reading your newsletter and seeing where your company’s priorities lie with faith and family make me even more certain. Thank you!

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