MAY 2023

MAY 2023


There is nothing like a good rain shower when you live in the Texas panhandle. If you were wondering why we often ask for prayer on rain in our prayer request section, it's because we can go without it for months in this region. Actually, it has already been the subject of several newsletters. You'll have to forgive us, but it is just so exciting. I don't know if you reader are a bible thumper, but sometimes I can relate to the people in Elijah's time who were blessed with rain after a three-year drought.

It was a couple of weeks ago when there was a forecast of a good rainstorm coming through. The ranch was blessed with two inches of rain. After that, however, there was only a little more predicted to come our way. Well the weather man was wrong. Since then, we have had three unpredicted rain showers that have left us with an inch each!

It is starting to look good around here. It always blows my mind that a dry grassland can turn into a lush green wonderland overnight;  it is crazy how all the plants are so drought resistant. Wildflowers start poking their heads up all over the place, and the grass that is lying dormant starts to grow strong. It may be a harsh, rugged country, but it is resilient. It actually gives one a lot of hope in depending on this land.

Veterans Event

TriTails wholesale was able to be a part of an amazing event last week in Dallas. We were able to serve our brisket to about a thousand veterans and two hundred active military. It doesn't get much cooler than that. The group doing the event is called Roll Call which meets every month in Fort worth. The event occurred in a considerable airport hangar at Joint Reserve Air Force Base (formerly Carswell Air Force Base). Vets were able to hang out and eat together while getting to listen to some speakers. This included all branches of the military. There was active military there, too, equipped to serve the vets our brisket. 

We had some success. The brisket was a huge success, and everyone went home satisfied. No sick soldiers on our account, only happy faces and full bellies. We even had interest from the vets in our retail side.

We had some failures as well. In fact, this may be a helpful story for you so you don't mess up the next time you're in front of a Navy captain. Mary, aka Bosswoman, aka the dog walker, aka Moo-moo (grandma's name even though she has no grandchildren at this point), found herself in a riveting conversation with a man from the Navy. 

After learning that this man had been in the Navy for 25 years, she decided to ask him, "What rank are you?"

"Captain ma’am," he replied

"25 years, and you only made it to captain. You must just like flying the planes!" Mary exclaimed.

That is where Mary learned about the mistake that she had just made. You see, the Navy goes by old English ranking. That means that this man was in charge of the whole ship! Not just flying some planes.

The Navy Captain was more than happy to explain this to Mary. As it turns out, this is a mistake that many people make, and they don't know it. Since Mary asked her was able to explain his position.

This was really not all too much of a failure. I just have to give Mary a hard time every so often. Okay, maybe every day, but she deserves it. Okay, maybe not, but what is the son in law mother in law relationship if you don't give each other some grief from time to time. She really is wonderful, though, to be honest, and she did a great job at the Roll Call. So did Sam and Helen, and we are very excited to return to this annual event next year!

Prayer Requests

You can feel free to disregard this part of the newsletter, but we always need prayers. Please do not think we are asking you to only pray for us but rather just add these things to the things you already pray for. We really appreciate and believe in this.

  • Praises is all we have this month. Things are looking good!

Thank You so much, and don’t hesitate to let us know if we can pray for you.


Photos By: Jacob Hands, Helen McCauley, Mary Harrell

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